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抗甲狀腺球蛋白IgG檢測試劑盒Anti thyroglobulin IgG ELISA kit 說明書



Human Anti thyroglobulin (TG) IgG ELISA kit


General information

Thyroid disorders are the most prevalent of all autoimmune diseases that are associated with the occurrence of differentiated autoantibodies and are thought to be related to agenetical pre-disposition. These autoantibodies are directed against membrane located and/or extracellular antigens of the thyroid cells.: - Thyroglobulin (hTg), a water solubleglycoprotein with a molecular weight of approx. 660.000 Dalton, is the principal constituent of the thyroidal colloid shareing about 75 % of it's mass. Synthesis of the thyroidhormones T3 and T4 is based on the oxidative iodination of thyrosine residues of the thyroglobulin molecule. Within the cell thyroglobulin is trans-ported by the microsomes.Together with the secretion of T3 and T4 also small amounts of hTg are liberated into circulation. - The microsomal antigen of the thyroid is an integral mebrane protein of themicrosomes. It has been charcterized as the enzyme Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) with a molecular weight of nearly 110.000 Dalton.The TSH-Receptor is a regulatory protein enbedded into the thyroid cell membrane effecting synthesis and release of the thyroid hormones as well as cellular growth. - Theso-called Colloid-Antigen 2 CA2. Besides these antibodies to functional antigens, antibodies directed against the circulating thyroid hormones T3 und T4 may occur. InGraves' Diseases, an immunogenetic form of hyperthyroidism often additional antibodies occur, which are directed against eye muscle antigens. They cause the endocrineophalmopathy.Autoantibodies are found in inflammatory disaeses as well as in thyroid autoimmune disorders. Various symptoms of thyroid diseases, like goiter, thyroid pain,hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism may be caused by immunogenetic processes and the occurrence of organ specific antibodies. This underlines the clinical relevance forautoantibody determination for the assesment of thyroid diseases. Most important autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland are: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Primary MyxedemaGraves' disease (often associated with endocrine ophtalmopathy) and other asymptomatic, for example postpartum thyroiditis. The occurrence of Anti-TG and Anti-TPOautoantibodies at the same time seem to be related to their functional association. Thyrosine amino acid residues of the thyroglobulin molecule, as primary protein for thesynthesis of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4, are actively iodinated in association with the thyroid peroxidase (TPO). TSH acts in stimulating synthesis and release of thyroidhormones in close cooperation of all the proteins. This makes the simultaneous appearance of all these antibodies plausible. Persisting inhibition of the peroxidase activity byspecific autoantibodies (Anti-TPO Ab's) causes a decrease in the synthesisof thyroid hormones and thus hypothyroidism. Especially at the end of pregnancy, determination ofthyroid antibodies may be a helpful diagnostic tool in the early diagnosis of an onset of post-partum hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's post partum depression). Hashimotodiseases are often associated with highly elevated titers of thyroid autoantibodies. The concentration of antibodies against thyroglobulin exceeds the titer of Anti-TPOantibodies, whereas in Graves' disease the opposite situation is found, with a stronger elevation of the Anti-TPO antibodies.ADI’S Human Anti-Thyroglobulin (TG) IgG ELISA kit is an indirect solid phase ELISA for the quantitative measurement of IgG class autoantibodies against thyroglobulin (TG)in human serum or plasma

Performance characteristics

Calculate the Net A450 values of the duplicate (deduct zero values). 

Plot the concentration versus the net A450 and calculate the sample values fromthe standard curve.

Interpretation of results 

Normal: < 100 IU/ml     borderline: 100 – 150 IU/ml   elevated: > 150 IU/ml

PrecisionIntra-assay (2.4 – 5.0 CV %) Inter-assay (2.3. – 5.7 CV %)

Specificity & Species reactivity:  

This kit is optimized for human Anti-TG IgG. IgM and IgA antibodies will not be detected. Separate ELISA kits areavailable for Anti-TG Ig detection in other species (mouse, rat, monkey).

更多產(chǎn)品信息,請咨詢Alpha Diagnostic 中國區(qū)總代理北京博蕾德生物科技有限公司。


